Thursday, February 25, 2010

Association of Professionals and Students (APS) "A Vision of Hope" and La Luz Del Mundo

With all praise and glory to Jesus Christ and greetings.

LLDM is now selling a DVD regarding its show of glory and praise to Samuel Joaquin that was displayed at the Kodak Theater last year. I can’t wait to review it and compare it with what I witness first hand.

Here is the web link.

Here are a couple of quotes found on the LLDM web page glorifying Samuel at the Kodak Theater.

“The apostle of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Joaquin Flores, attended the event organized by the Association of Students and Professionals (APS for short in English) as the main guest of honor.”

“At the end of the concert, the anointed of God, Samuel Joaquin, received recognition from the APS. One more win for the apostle of God.”

It is amazing as to what lengths Samuel Joaquin will go to in order to glorify himself by using those are under his control. The above comments makes it look and sound as if Samuel is receiving this honor and recognition from an organization outside of LLDM, but this is farther from the truth and is in fact he who is glorifying himself with his own organization (APS). Of course he has “One more win” because the races are created by him for him and him alone.

On APS’s own web site declares Samuel Joaquin as the founder of the APS origination:

“Founded by humanitarian leader Samuel Joaquin Flores in 2004, the Association of Professionals and Students (APS) is a Southern California 501(c)(3) non-profit aimed at enriching community resources through social service and higher education.”

Did you notice what title APS does not address Samuel as?

APS does not address Samuel by his self appointed title as “Apostle of Jesus Christ”.

The question begs to be asked as to why APS does not give its founder and benefactor his true recognition as an “Apostle of Jesus Christ”?

While on the subject of APS glorification of Samuel, take a look at the slide show that has been posted for the public of which I have viewed. I am very impressed by how the slideshow displays the characters with such clarity. Anyone viewing it would defiantly not get the impression that this show having anything to do what so ever with the Lord Jesus Christ and I am thankful for that.

Just as a reminder of what the content of the show was; it was a story about the “sun god” (actor in gold) wanting to destroy “mother earth” because the “moon god” (actor in black) had convinced the sun god that mother earth had failed at her job to care for the humans that live on her. The moon god’s case was support by evidence.

This evidence was in the form of a list of all of the most horrible and evil people that had lived on the face of mother earth, (i.e. Hitler and Mussolini). The evidence was displayed before the sun god in the form of the dancers and actors re-enacting scenes of death, battles and on stage executions to included pagan ritural dances! While all the time being backed up with the overhead projection of the “evil ones”.

Just as the sun god was going to destroy mother earth and all of the humans living on her intermission occurred with a staged impromptu display of affection from the actor Tommy 'Tiny' Lister. As well as being an actor Mr. Lister is also a self appointed evangelical minister to gang youth in and around Los Angeles and is for hire not just for movies, but can be hired to attended functions put on by any organization that can afford his personal appearance fees. Well you do the math on this one.

With the start of the second part of the show we are back with the sun god getting ready to destroy mother earth and the humans, but the sun god’s wife, “queen of the universe” (actress dress in white) comes to the rescue of her most favorite friend, mother earth, to present her case as to why her husband, the sun god, should not destroy her friend, mother earth.

In much the same manner the queen presents her evidence in the form of people that have lived and do live on the face of mother earth that represent the good in humans; and it is for them that mother earth should not be destroyed.

To quote LLDM web site regarding the lists of persons present as evidence.

“A synchronous combination of images, sound and interpretation of body movements of actors and artists staged the various contributions of people like, Jesus Christ (Israel), Benito Juárez (Mexico), Martin Luther King (USA.) Gandhi (India) ; the Princess Diana of Wales (England), and the destructive legacies of figures like Iddi Amin (Uganda) and Adolf Hitler (Germany), among others.”

During the entire course of the evidence presented by the queen regarding humans of good behavior all in the above list were shown and talked about in great length but the very first “person” to be listed ,Jesus Christ (Israel), was mention at the end with only one phrase and no Scripture or stage displays of glorification to him.

“And there once lived a man by the name of Jesus, a great teacher of peace to mankind, but he is no more.”

After this single un-glorifying phrase for Jesus Christ was finished the queen immediately went on to declare that mother earth , 'now has Samuel Joaquin the greatest humanitarian ever to live on her, “the savior of the world”.

The evidence that the queen present regarding Samuel went on for will over 20 minutes and at its end the sun god was so moved with joy because of the “goodness” of this one human, Samuel Joaquin, that he not only did not destroy mother earth but declared her his most favorite of all of his creation! (Sound like idol god worshipping to anyone)

So what started off being a humanitarian award recognition ceremony presented by an organization who’s soul purpose is to advance the education, arts and sciences of humans and does not advertise itself as having anything to do with religion or even ties with LLDM sure went out of its way to produce a show that at its end climaxed by declaring Samuel Joaquin “the savior of the world”!

Oh, I am sorry for a moment I forgot who was the founder of APS, but none other then the “Humanitarian Samuel Joaquin Flores”.

So in reality the great "Humanitarian" Samuel Joaquin Flores’ organization, (APS), product a celebration event to honor and glorify the great supreme spiritual leader of the church La Luz Del Mundo - the Apostle Samuel Joaquin Flores.

With such great humanitarian and spiritual gifts that Samuel Joaquin has he really should be nominated for a “Noble Peace Prize” or should that be two nominations because here we have seen that Samuel Joaquin Flores is two different persons!

As far as I can tell not even any of the popes of the Roman Catholic Church have gone out of their way to create non-religious organizations to honor and glorify themselves in such a way as Samuel Joaquin has.

The APS production of “A Vision of Hope” is just another act or scene in the true bigger performance that is being continually produced by Samuel Joaquin Flores which started over 70 years ago with his father’s own performance of which Samuel built upon days after his father’s death in 1964; and by declaring himself the new apostle for salvation to not just La Luz Del Mundo, but unto the world as a whole.

Is this not what Jesus Christ, the true savior of the world, came to do for us 2000 years ago? (John 3:16)

It has been in the last 10 years that Samuel Joaquin has been able to make himself into the image that he really thinks that he deserves with the use of the millions of dollars that he has been able to accumulate over the past 40 years of his control over LLDM.

The first significant part of this performance was to grant large sums of the church's money to the organization “Ibero-american Council” with the expectation of receiving an honorary doctoral title which he did so successfully in September of 2007, which in reality is nothing but a slap-on-the-back and is empty of any significance what so ever and when this title of "Doctor" is used by him there is no disclosure to the fact that his title is only an honarary one; and clearly giving the impression that he as earned the title of doctor by way of education.

After years of amassing his fortune and receiving his honorary doctorate title, Samuel Joaquin has been able to present himself to the world on his personal stage of performance to manipulate all of those around him for his personal glory, such as with his APS organization.

Now, he does not glorify himself personally, but directs and funds activities such as the performance at the Kodak Theater to create the illusion to the world at large that these honors and praises are coming from others and other organizations outside of La Luz Del Mundo.

But at the bottom of it all is Samuel Joaquin Flores with all roads leading to him. His greatest accomplishment has been to convince so many thousands of lost souls that the work they are doing for him, because of their love for him, is glorifying God; which does make sense for they chose to believe that Samuel is the new Messiah of God, the new “savior of the world” and according the “A Vision of Hope” performance “Jesus is no more”.

If you believe in the name of Samuel Joaquin Flores for your salvation; then yes you had better worship him and him alone.

This is why the church of La Luz Del Mundo (LLDM) does not teach that Jesus Christ is in reality God himself made flesh as John has already taught (John 1: 1-2, 14) and is alive forever in heaven (Hebrews). For if Jesus Christ is God and is alive forever he is still the only way unto salvation to this everyday; and there is no need to a man such as Samuel Joaquin Flores here on earth; for we would have everything we need for salvation from the death of sin and for life forever with the Father in heaven through the living blood of Jesus Christ already. This would be a great problem for LLDM's doctrine.

Samuel Joaquin Flores is not the way, the truth and the life leading to the Father in heaven; that glory has already been claimed by the true Savior of the world – the living Christ – Lord Jesus and the “time for salvation” has been with the world with no end for 2000 years and counting.

The “Apostolic Authority” claimed by Samuel Joaquin is NOT authority to grant salvation nor is it to have to be under him to receive salvation.

The only authority given to the original apostles was to spread the Message of salvation through Jesus Christ and through him alone (Acts 4:12). All who by faith come to believe in that message of the good news become authorized themselves by the power and authority of Jesus Christ to be bearers of the gospel unto the entire world with the authority to declare to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ has had their sins forgiven because of their faith in the name of the Jesus Christ (Romans 10:8-13).

So, in other words, no one but the Lord Jesus Christ has authority for salvation, but we do have the authority to bring the message of salvation. Once that message is accepted we also have the authority to tell someone with full confidence and assurance that throught Jesus Christ they are forgiven of their sins.

I share this with all glory to my Lord Jesus Christ by his Holy Spirit, Amen.